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Moore to “running” your business?

Sep, 2018

Whether you are running a business or running a marathon, there are similar requirements for success in both.  A few staples of success being:

  • Short/long term goals & objectives
  • Strategy & budgeting
  • Risk and reward
  • Teamwork
  • Discipline, commitment, sacrifice
  • Mentoring and guidance
  • and ultimately, Execution!

As a result of my experiences as an Executive and as a Marathoner – with my share of failures and successes – my new goal is to marry these roles in my presentation and delivery of Moore Business Strategies…to benefit your business!

In the end, success is relative to the specific business and the individual runner.  Is it the goal of your business to increase revenue 10% next year or to hire additional staff?  Is it your running goal to qualify for the Boston Marathon or to finish your first 5k?  With great teams, I have executed plans to accomplish these examples and I can be a resource for you (or your business) in getting to a place you may never have been before.  So, will it be a profit margin of 5% or toeing the line in Hopkinton?  Let’s schedule a consultation today and decide which it is!

Yes, there’s Moore to running your business!

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